Common space | 2nd National Salon of Applied Arts and Design 2022 | Kunsthalle Budapest

​The collective exhibition summarizing the latest results of contemporary Hungarian applied art and design presented the works of more than 300 artists. The result of the joint product development work of our company and our designer – Zita Attalai – is that we represented the hungarian shoe industry with three pairs of shoes. Artistic collaboration with fashion designer Mrs.Serena Graham London for her “Art is eternal” project in 2019.

Photo credits: Alexander Barnes, London | Mester Tibor | Műcsarnok- Kunsthalle facebook site

The first salon showcasing the latest achievements of Hungarian applied arts and design was held in the Műcsarnok five years ago, in 2017, with the participation of 208 artists. Now, at the second salon with the same theme, we have extended the number of exhibiting artists to more than 300. Ten branches of art will share a ‘common space’ ranging from post-industrial design to the most recent works of autonomous studio art, from objects of everyday use to fine art experiments. Artists from four generations have contributed their works, from doyens to talented young people at the start of their careers.

The exhibition turns to Aristotle’s treatise titled Categories to elucidate the nature of ‘things speakable’ displayed in the common space and invites visitors on a contemplative walk among the objects to freely take in the sensual perceptions and intellectual manifestations of what surrounds them. It shows two paths along which the displayed works, realised in the past five years, can be explored: one leads from concretely moulded materials to non-material entities, i.e. designed ideas, while the other spans from strict functionalism to autonomous art. Along these paths visitors can walk from ceramics, the most ancient art taking us to the magical moment of the birth of human civilisation, all the way to communication spaces of virtual reality. Although the displayed areas of art are distinct, being spatially linked at the exhibition, they present a continuous process. The different branches of creativity coupled with the two conceptual journeys create inspiring cross sections, with new qualities and connections coming into play at the meeting points.